The following two routines are
addressed to people starting playing trumpet for the first
time, they are very simple but nevertheless they try to
cover the most common problems pupils encounter.
I wrote them for my wife who decided to try to play my
I will PLAY THEM ALL to provide an example. Check back in a
couple of days
The explanation is in Italian but I will provide a
translation as soon as possible
The main topics are:
1) Trying to understand what a good sound is and to imitate
it in EVERY NOTE!!!
2) Alternating slurred to tongued
3) Expanding range little by little
4) Playing "hard notes" (those with sharps and flats)
immediately, to avoid fearing them in the future
5) Improving flexibility
6) Training ear
7) Smoothing the armonic slurs
8) Keeping the lips and the rest of the body relaxed
Here are the two routines!